Raul Gomez


English 2
class/group work
Julius Caesar
jigsaw questions on owl creek


secound quarter journals


Sketch journal #1 WC p. 56


            Winter days cold and white, at nights shivering and the chimney on. Kids covered in snow and snowman with eyes of coal. Slides zooming down the hills, worm in there cozy coast. Chimneys burning red wood fire, woodpeckers pecking wood. Hungry deer looking for food, foxes digging through trash cans. Bears sleeping in there worm caves. You can also see the old ladies drinking coffee in the cafes with there worm coats.





            The event of 9/11/01 has changed the view of life in the U.S. because people dont feel as safe as they use to after the terrist attacks. People thing after the two twin tours fell that If they can do that ; now they can do anything else. In the future this event will have forces be stronger if any thing might occur and security will be stronger to. In the futer this will be a historical event that our grand kids will learn about. This event has changed my life because my dad is in the army and he had to leave for more than six months. I ha dto live with my grandmother for that time. Thats how the 9/11/01 event has changed the life in the U.S. and my life.

How is pride like a donut?


Pride is like a donut because pride sticks out and on donuts the glazy sugar it has with sprinkles stick out. Pride self esteem in side and donuts have strawberry filling, filling bright red, red like bold. Any body can have pride any time just like any body can have a donut anytime.


Journal: How many ways can a person be beautiful?  Is there a standard of beauty all people can agree upon?  

No, there is not a standard for beauty that we can all agree upon. This is because everybody has different opinions about every thing they see like I might thing a car has a good paint job but a professional might say thats the worst he has ever seeing. A person can be beautiful in 2 way; at least I thing. One is physically and an other on is internally.



Journal: How is a clock like the bubonic plague?


A clock is like a bubonic plague because it is transmitted in a cycle. The flea drinks rat blood that carries the bacteria, bacteria multiply in fleas gut, gut clogged with bacteria, and the a flea bites a human regurgitates blood in to open wound. Once the bacterium, Yersinia pestis, enters the bloodstream, it travels to the liver, spleen, kidneys, lungs, and brain. The incubation period is commonly 2 to 6 days after exposure. Once a person is infected and recovers they become immune. Just like a clock the time cant come back. They both take time plague, need time to burst and a clock needs time to go around.


Journal:  How is a window like an opportunity?


A window is like an opportunity because its a chance to be free; to come in and out of. Like in a jail ceil if there was a window it would be an opportunity of freedom. A window can also be of fresh air coming in; our it can be the window that might let you live in an airtight room if you open it.


Journal if you had a time Machine, what people and place would you choose to visit? Why?



If I had a time I would visit Egypt and the Egyptians because I would like to see how they would make to tomes and how they made traps in them so people wouldnt steal from the dead. it would be assume so I could tell the people how they made traps so thefts would not steal from the dead. I would also tell the people how they made the pyramids and how they lived when Id come back. I would tell them how they would take out there brains through there nose. Thats where I would go if I had a time machine and thats why.


Journal: explain the similarities and differences between the sound of thunder and the toaster Simpsons vignette.


They both are the same because they both have a time machine that goes back and that goes back in time. when the charters go back in time they both affect the future because they went back in time and changed the past which affect the future when they go back in time. they are different because homer kills lots of animals and in the sound of thunder only a butterfly is killed. Homer also goes back and fourth to make his present time better but every time he goes back in time he messes up bye killing something and his present time is not the same again because he messes up the past which affects the present time.

Journal: how is a river like a memory?


A river is like a memory because it never ends like your memory does. A river comes down stream fats and slow just like our brain does with memory. Some memories are bad and they change your attitude and just like a river the water gets rougher. A river carries fish and life like a memory that brings good but when a bigger fish comes its like a bad memory comes and eats a good one. Just like a fish would eat another fish.

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